
Member since ‎Sep 25, 2017
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martaz on December 12, 2019
So I am a little confused about what is expected in terms of the header and footer nav. Are we being asked to implement a drop down and a mobile menu here as well ? Or is the main point demonstrate the reponsive leadership module area.
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2 Replies
December 12, 2019
Great thanks so much 🙂
martaz on December 12, 2019
So I am a little confused about what is expected in terms of the header and footer nav. Are we being asked to implement a drop down and a mobile menu here as well ? Or is the main point demonstrate the reponsive leadership module area.
0 upvote
2 Replies
December 12, 2019
Great thanks so much 🙂
Anton101 on October 20, 2017
Hi all, I'm busy developing a resources listing page making use of Hubdb. Problem is every time a new content asset (eBook, Infographic etc.) gets added it displays at the bottom of the listing page which isn't ideal. The most recent content dow read more
12 Replies
December 16, 2018
Hello, Were you able to solve this issue? Thanks, Marta
KeyWestScott on May 14, 2018
Greetings all. For those that may not have seen it yet, HS Has a new Site Search function . My 2cents thus far. It only displays/returns 3 options for any search.. I find this extremely limiting and narrow. What if what I'm looking for read more
1 upvote
8 Replies
August 27, 2018
UPDATE After finding some additional info. I was able to target my more
KeyWestScott on May 14, 2018
Greetings all. For those that may not have seen it yet, HS Has a new Site Search function . My 2cents thus far. It only displays/returns 3 options for any search.. I find this extremely limiting and narrow. What if what I'm looking for read more
1 upvote
8 Replies
August 27, 2018
UPDATE After finding some additional info. I was able to target my more
KeyWestScott on May 14, 2018
Greetings all. For those that may not have seen it yet, HS Has a new Site Search function . My 2cents thus far. It only displays/returns 3 options for any search.. I find this extremely limiting and narrow. What if what I'm looking for read more
1 upvote
8 Replies
August 27, 2018
UPDATE After finding some additional info. I was able to target my more
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