
Member since ‎Mar 30, 2021
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Doménico Schwalb

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DSchwalb on May 31, 2023
Hi, We are testing the new WhatsApp Integration and are wondering whether it will be possible to use other objects (like deals and custom objects) when personalizing the templates. Our use case is that we want to trigger a whatsapp message in read more
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BCampbell on May 24, 2022
I would like to see a filter option added to filter out deactivated users in the Settings - Users and Teams section. Right now you can only choose All, Pending, Uninvited and Deactivated. I would like to see Active added to this filter.
December 12, 2022
Very strange indeed...
caiodonald on April 06, 2021
I've implemented HubSpot for some clients that have a qualification team on their sales process. These teams usually receive a lead that goes through an automatic cadence (like a sequence), but on workflows, instead of waiting for the salesperson t read more
11 Replies
November 23, 2021
We are also getting many complaints from sales reps with tasks that become irrelevant once the deal stage changes. Having this feature would help more
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
I'd like to be able to control which properties appear on the "card view" in the Deals Dashboard. Default is... - Deal Name - Amount - Close Date - Attached Contacts I'd like to be able to select my own 4 attributes, so that the at-a-gla read more
452 Replies
August 13, 2021
Hello, I see this is Delivered but cannot find it, can you please send a knowledge link? Thanks,
DSchwalb on June 03, 2021
Hi, I I recently ran into this problem. We don't want to log emails from employees to employees so I excluded our domain on an account level so that all users don't get the BCC HS address when they send an email from Gmail using the plugin. Sudd read more
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LiamAT on June 11, 2020
It would be awesome if it was possible to have an automatic logging pop up through the mobile app once a person has called you and then the call has ended.
7 Replies
April 16, 2021
Hi @mozkul that's interesting, I didn't know about the post-call logging tool. Can you please give me more info? Thanks,
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