
Member since ‎Mar 29, 2021
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diary_detox on July 20, 2023
I've installed the ChatBot on a website that requires my users to log in. Once they chat with me, it's showing 'Unknown' instead of their email or contact name. Is there a way of having it pick-up the contact?
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2 Replies
RyanR14 on May 07, 2020
Hi! Community :). First time user of HubSpot marketing platform (been using CRM with various companies for a while) Context: - Our website has email sign up using jotforms -- So I setup the jotform to hubspot contact integration, and t read more
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6 Replies
May 04, 2022
What's the startups programme!??
diary_detox on March 29, 2021
Hi there, I have the starter package and want to dip my toe in the water on automation and customisable reports. I noticed that to do so I have to make the HUGE leap from £38 / month to £650 / month #OUCH! One of the biggest challengers with s read more
RyanR14 on May 07, 2020
Hi! Community :). First time user of HubSpot marketing platform (been using CRM with various companies for a while) Context: - Our website has email sign up using jotforms -- So I setup the jotform to hubspot contact integration, and t read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
May 04, 2022
What's the startups programme!??
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