
Member since ‎Mar 29, 2021
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Sandy Lenner

Semi retired and singles tennis player


SLenner on December 20, 2022
tickets only show the color dots on the board view, for the list view it just showing the words "High" "Medium" etc and is currently working as intended. It would be nice to have it color coded on the list view as well.
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ThomasF on August 26, 2019
Hi, It would be nice to be able to add dynamic date in an email template. A token pulling today's date for instance. For instance, we put the date of the send on the top of our Newsletter, this would avoid the need to update it on every send. read more
23 Replies
July 15, 2022
I agree we need to be able add the system or current date, like in Word or Excel 😆
SLenner on December 15, 2021
It would be helpfull to remove the Revenue Attribution,Deal Create Attribution and Line Items form the right side of the Deal screen? I do not use those items and they clutter the screen
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SLenner on August 06, 2021
How can I see in my task list", what Ques I have assigned to a particular task ? I do not want to open each task. nor do I want to go to each Que. By viewing one list, I can make sure that I have assigned each of my tasks to a Que
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