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Kathleen Swift

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KSwift on November 03, 2023
I just had myself and many SDRs confused as to why we can no longer edit emails in sequences. Turns out it's hiding under three dots below the 'action' button. The new A/B test option is great, but hiding the 'edit email' or 'replace email' option Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
SLoo on Mai 09, 2022
Hi team, It'll be great if we could filter a contact list by the number of associated companies. There isn't a direct filter for this in a list or workflow at the moment and it'll definitely benefit customers distilling these records. Thanks for Beitrag ansehen
36 Antworten
Oktober 13, 2023
Hey, I couldn't get @karenkaz's solution to work. For sone reason, when I exported the contacts, they all had either 0 or 1 in the companies count....Beitrag ansehen
KSwift on August 03, 2023
We have over 900 sequences and over 2400 templates which makes finding the correct ones pretty difficult. We don't want to delete them, as it's useful to look back at the success, enrollments and copy. As there is no archive function (I know others Beitrag ansehen
saravidal on Oktober 29, 2019
It would be great to have a filter that filters contacts by global bouncing, not only if they unsubscribe from marketing emails. F.e: If a contact is not working anymore in an enterprise and its email is disabled, it would be of great help Beitrag ansehen
34 Antworten
Juli 28, 2023
Thanks @tdj99 ! That was a great workaround
KSwift on Juni 15, 2023
In response to certain inquiries (forms), we'd like to automate an email reply from a workflow. At the moment, we respond to these from the shared inbox in 'Conversations', but if we automate the email (and have variations depending on the workflow Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
SColeman4 on Juni 28, 2022
I am trying to copy the most "recent sales email replied date" (rsepd) for active sales deals from the contact record to a newly created Deal property (Last prospect email reply). The objective is to create a list that shows by Deal, by Rep when Beitrag ansehen
11 Antworten
März 31, 2023
Did it work? I was thinking of doing this to get the most recent date going forward :
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