
Member since ‎Mar 26, 2021
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Jonathan Atkinson

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JAtkinson1 on March 14, 2022
Currently, when someone from our team submits a form with file attachments the files are delivered clumped together with no spacing. This makes multiple files one long hyperlink and when clicked upon the link brings you to the first file in the "clu read more
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JAtkinson1 on March 14, 2022
It would be great to have an option within the create property segment where you can calculate age by create date to current day. Right now current day is not an option.
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JAtkinson1 on March 14, 2022
I would be great to have an option within worklfows to create a note.
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JAtkinson1 on February 18, 2022
It would be great to have internal forms as an option. Our team is in need of a streamlined approach to tracking quotes. Ideally it would be great to have an internal web form that we fill out and then a workflow creating a record within deals. Sinc read more
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