
Member since ‎Mar 24, 2021
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Raymond Leever

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raymondleever on July 18, 2023
Hi, I hope you don't have the same issues as we do, but 70% of messages in our email inbox are spam. We keep blocking email addresses, but this is a never-ending story (without Falkor helping us out...) So my idea would be to filter (block) t read more
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raymondleever on November 22, 2022
Hi I have created a quote today but when I adjust the colums (leave out some items) they keep showing up in the quote preview. How can I leave the unwanted columns out? Support told me to clone the template to make edits but somehow I can't get read more
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November 29, 2022
Thanks for mentioning the experts Tiphaine, I am a very poor code user so any help is more than welcome 😍
raymondleever on November 22, 2022
Hi I have created a quote today but when I adjust the colums (leave out some items) they keep showing up in the quote preview. How can I leave the unwanted columns out? Support told me to clone the template to make edits but somehow I can't get read more
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2 Replies
November 29, 2022
Thanks for mentioning the experts Tiphaine, I am a very poor code user so any help is more than welcome 😍
raymondleever on May 20, 2022
Hi when I analyse my marketing email results I was wondering how I can see what recipient reads or clicks the email in a chronological timeline. In other words is it possible to see when a persons opens or clicks my marketing email or is the read more
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