
Member since ‎Sep 21, 2017
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Dulaney Farkas

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KirstenM on September 17, 2017
Win Probability should be available as a property that can be displayed as part of the deal columns - i.e. there should be the ability to see, at an overview level, what the win probabilities are for all current deals.
September 17, 2020
Unfortunately I was told that Percentage was a feature of the upgraded version of the Sales Hub. It really makes no sense why it can't be part of more
KirstenM on September 17, 2017
Win Probability should be available as a property that can be displayed as part of the deal columns - i.e. there should be the ability to see, at an overview level, what the win probabilities are for all current deals.
September 17, 2020
Unfortunately I was told that Percentage was a feature of the upgraded version of the Sales Hub. It really makes no sense why it can't be part of more
ErinK on July 16, 2018
Ok. So long story short. I need to implement a new lead scoring strategy. Can anyone out there explain how they completed their lead scoring? perhaps show some examples? I guess I am confused on how people can only receive points for each rule ONCE? read more
8 Replies
May 30, 2019
Did you ever get a response to this because we are facing the same problem! We want to apply a general score on all the opens/clicks for each of our more
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