-The scan should be done between 11pm-5am in the local portal's time zone. This means that each morning a user could review to accept or reject duplicate records found to make sure the data is ready for the working day. -There should be an optio read more
I have another improvement suggestion that I think would help tremendously ... instead of displaying the email address in the listing, let us choose ...read more
Whenever I try to POST or PATCH the contacts email address field, if the email contains a plus sign (+) HubSpots rejects it as an invalid email even though it's a valid email. An example would be myname+34@gmail.com How do I get the API to ac read more
Thanks for looking into this. Here are the values I send ... "PATCH" " https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/contacts/109763230 " "Content-Typ...read more
Whenever I try to POST or PATCH the contacts email address field, if the email contains a plus sign (+) HubSpots rejects it as an invalid email even though it's a valid email. An example would be myname+34@gmail.com How do I get the API to ac read more
Thanks for looking into this. Here are the values I send ... "PATCH" " https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/contacts/109763230 " "Content-Typ...read more
While working on an integration between HubSpot and a third party I'm facing a serious limitation of the private app's webhook event subscription tool. Issues No filter Can't be controlled which objects are watched the changes for. Examp read more
We would love to see these same improvements along with a few more suggestions .... Ability of exclude webhooks being sent if from a specified list...read more
It would be really helpful to have the ability to add properties to contact to company associations for things like tracking Committee and Board Members with the term dates and roles. This isn't something that can be tracked at the contact since th read more
Would be very helpful to have Foreign ID added as a field type to Custom Objects that can link back to companies, contacts, deals... The Association Labels are too limited to use as an alternative. Or, allow the Foreign IDs in HubDB to tie read more
We need the same thing. In our case we need to create views/reports with the ability to filter it based on a date range when a particular property was updated ... mostly on custom fields. An added plus would be able to also have a column that show read more
I've run into a snag while associating contacts to companies, in that HubSpot only allows you to create 10 association labels and I have a need for upwards of 30 labels. Rather than generic "Primary Contact", "Deal Maker" etc .. we need to be able read more
Would like the option to import a single object list with the option to just add any new records in the list, while kicking out records where email matches an existing record. We have several family members in our membership who share an email a read more
We could really use the ability to be allowed to have an additional custom property added to a webhook payload at the subscription level. We keep the IDs for our contacts and companies that are used in our other systems in custom properties in both read more
Aditionally, would like to have the option to only have webhooks sent if the added custom property value is known. That would cut down on the resour...read more
Would like the ability to filter the property history by more than just a property name. Having the option to filter by source and/or property groupings would be very helpful. Also having the ability to omit " HubSpot calculation ", " Analytics read more
Whenever I try to POST or PATCH the contacts email address field, if the email contains a plus sign (+) HubSpots rejects it as an invalid email even though it's a valid email. An example would be myname+34@gmail.com How do I get the API to ac read more
Thanks for looking into this. Here are the values I send ... "PATCH" " https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/contacts/109763230 " "Content-Typ...read more
A place for social media professionals to share ideas, learn, network, and be inspired.
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// to interact with the hovercard, if we don't wait it will just disappear...because
// we left the trigger, right...so we'll have another handler that check if the mouse is
// over the hovercard and if so clears this timer, so the card doesn't close here
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// if the user taps/clicks outside the hovercard
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function errorDisplay(errType) {
var errAuth = '
To access this area of the Community, please log in.
var errAuthLogin = '
To access the HubSpot Community Champions program and complete opportunities, confirm you are logged in by clicking here. Find additional troubleshooting steps here
var noBadges = '
To start earning advocacy badges, go to the Community Champions advocacy program page and start completing opportunities.
var noAsks = '
Hooray! You\'ve completed all available opportunities. Check back in for more opportunities next month.