
Member since ‎Mar 23, 2021
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Tommie Ross

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VagaeNatus on June 20, 2019
This is more like a bug than a feature request. Let's say you have 3 possible values in 'Calls and meeting types', they are {A, B, C}. Now, you realize the name of 'C' is not right and update it to 'X'. --> On standard properties, th read more
September 01, 2023
This would be a great feature as the classification for call types can change depending on the business needs and requirements.
PDentonD22 on December 10, 2019
It'd be fab if HubSpot had the option for a night/dark mode to improve the UI. Did my eyes in working in the Chatflow tool all day (with blue-light blocking glasses!)
212 Replies
March 10, 2023
This is so beneficial to so many users. Why has this not happened?
clvtross on March 02, 2023
We have a process setup where a softphone populates the calling phone number for a queue as a query search for HubSpot. However, if the user cancels the search or does not create a new contact it defaults to one specific contact. Is this an expected read more
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1 Reply
clvtross on February 28, 2023
I know that you can retrieve reports based on the actions of the chatbot. Is there any way to customize that report data?
1 upvote
2 Replies
March 02, 2023
I am looking to report the close of conversations based on the user.
clvtross on February 28, 2023
I know that you can retrieve reports based on the actions of the chatbot. Is there any way to customize that report data?
1 upvote
2 Replies
March 02, 2023
I am looking to report the close of conversations based on the user.
clvtross on February 02, 2023
I want to ask for advice from the community regarding Conversations. There are two specific questions I would like input for: 1. Is there a way to present multiple languages for the Privacy Policy that appears along with the chat bubble? 2. I read more
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4 Replies
February 23, 2023
I have more clarification on what is being set up for the website. The website will use another service to create pages translated into multiple more
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