
Contributor | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Mar 20, 2021
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Sara Wolfe Vaughan

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RZia8 on August 02, 2022
Hi, I am trying to use the quote approval feature mentioned here: . However, I went to settings -> objects - > quotes and the slider to toggl read more
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4 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
October 06, 2023
I also have a client with Sales Hub Enterprise and this option is not available at Settings > Objects > Quotes.
StaceyM on April 27, 2017
I work in a team spread across 4 different time zones. It would be helpful if each of us could have our local time zone associated with our HS profile and that would carry through when I'm scheduling activities or assigning tasks.
225 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
July 05, 2023
This is needed functionality that is losing HS business to other vendors.
SPoulsen on April 15, 2022
Our company recently aquired a buisness unit for our new brand. We have one website for each brand, and we want to have live chat on both. Is there a way to seperate chat by buisness unit?
Contributor | Elite Partner
April 17, 2022
Hi! I don't think you should have an issue as long as you set your chatflow targets for the specific page(s) you want a particular chatflow to more
Josh_C on June 29, 2020
Need the ability to schedule a Workflow to turn on at a specific time and date. For instance, if I have a new series of emails that I want to send out to a list. I should be able to schedule the Workflow to turn on at Tues 10am PST if I want to. read more
13 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
January 13, 2022
This would be super helpful to me and my entire team!
CoreyChristian on June 29, 2021
A video can be an excellent tool for communication and promotion depending on how effective and engaging its content is. With this in mind, we’d love to hear your thoughts on what makes a video engaging. Please reply to this post and answer the bel read more
1868 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
August 04, 2021
Something from &Collar. Their videos are funny, quick, and have startling imagery like a cup of punch getting spilled on a dress shirt and just more
kara_susvilla on July 11, 2021
It takes a lot of time and energy to create a piece of content. Keeping this in mind, how could you repurpose your next piece of content into new formats? Share with us in the comments below. *To learn more about this, check out the Exten read more
1159 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
August 04, 2021
white paper turned into six blogs, e-book, webinar, etc.
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