
Member since ‎Mar 19, 2021
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Gerald Kugler

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Neal on June 12, 2019
The duplicates tool is a great addition for finding and addressing duplicates in the CRM. A welcome addition to it, however, would be the ability to filter the results by HubSpot properties so that users can target specific areas. For example: I read more
25 Replies
November 08, 2022
Hi, Agree - manage duplicates is a nice tool but usless without having the ability to filter based on at least record owner (other filter options more
jmcdonald on July 15, 2019
Filtering by company / contact owner would be a great feature. As there are several sales people and you currently have to thumb through all of them to see what is or isn't yours. this would create an easy way to keep the data clean.
17 Replies
November 08, 2022
Hi, I like your idea very much, as the missing query capability (for example based on owner or country) limits the "Manage duplicates" feature from more
GeraldK on June 14, 2022
Hi, as SuperAdmin for our HS integration I have been asked from an user the following question: He wants to associate a contact with a company. But it is hard to figure out which is the correct company in case we have multiple companies with s read more
2 Replies
November 02, 2022
Hi MortenL, Thanks for your feedback. Please feel free to share with your colleagues and ask them to upvote the idea. The more upvotes the idea more
GeraldK on September 06, 2022
Our sales folks are frequently looking in Deals for deals only related to specific company. Thus, it would be extremely helpful to be able to extend the search functionality for deals. Currently the deal search only allows to search by name or descr read more
7 Replies
GeraldK on June 14, 2022
Hi, as SuperAdmin for our HS integration I have been asked from an user the following question: He wants to associate a contact with a company. But it is hard to figure out which is the correct company in case we have multiple companies with s read more
2 Replies
November 02, 2022
Hi MortenL, Thanks for your feedback. Please feel free to share with your colleagues and ask them to upvote the idea. The more upvotes the idea more
GeraldK on November 11, 2021
As a Hubspot SuperAdmin I would like to be able to see in the restore records sections who has deleted the record(s). Currently for deleted contacts only the NAME (email) TIME DELETED is available. So in case you need to figure out why a recor read more
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