
Member since ‎Mar 16, 2021
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Jan Helge Hagland

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CQian on August 18, 2023
In the deal section, we are able to create line items associated with deals, however, it doesn't seem like we can customize the form at the moment. Why this is needed: (1) there are fields that are not relevant to our use case, I'd like to dro read more
28 Replies
December 05, 2023
Since we can't either change order of or remove properties there's no logic in where the properties shows and there is properties that aren't more
CQian on August 18, 2023
In the deal section, we are able to create line items associated with deals, however, it doesn't seem like we can customize the form at the moment. Why this is needed: (1) there are fields that are not relevant to our use case, I'd like to dro read more
28 Replies
December 05, 2023
Since we can't either change order of or remove properties there's no logic in where the properties shows and there is properties that aren't more
Hagland on January 27, 2023
There is an out-of-the-box soltuion for contacts to opt in/ out of subscriptions by clicking a link in an email. In the same way, just sending an email, we like a selfservice for our contacts to maintain properties/ information stored in Hubspot (ie read more
Hagland on January 04, 2023
Created a custom object where one of the fields is amount. We have also set up a pipeline for this custom object. Like to summarize the amount at the buttom of the pipeline column view of this custom object the same way it is for Deals. There is a c read more
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3 Replies
January 11, 2023
Hi, We are using custom object as a way of handling subsrciption (customers subsribing to our software services). Hubspot seems to have a standard more
Hagland on January 04, 2023
Created a custom object where one of the fields is amount. We have also set up a pipeline for this custom object. Like to summarize the amount at the buttom of the pipeline column view of this custom object the same way it is for Deals. There is a c read more
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3 Replies
January 11, 2023
Hi, We are using custom object as a way of handling subsrciption (customers subsribing to our software services). Hubspot seems to have a standard more
Hagland on November 24, 2022
Option of adding menu choices in Hubspot it self, much like what happens if you create a custom object. The menu choice could be refering to a link, workflow or custom code. User case: We have created a form for adding customers instead of using ' read more
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