
Member since ‎Mar 12, 2021
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Frederik Gravers Lindum

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katiebroyles on December 12, 2022
Recently I recognized a problem with merging records, specifically with contacts. We had a contact that had been duplicated because they used a different email, but the same phone # and name, however, they were not assigned to the same contact owner read more
February 10, 2023
I agree with this. I have the same issue when merging duplicate Companies - something we, due to several reason I wont bother you with, have too more
FrederikLindum on February 09, 2023
Hi I've looked into this and it is my understanding that what I'm asking for is not possible. Never the less, I wanted to share my thought/frustration here to see if I'm missing something or if anyone have a workaround that I'm not familiar with read more
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FrederikLindum on July 08, 2021
Hi In our company we do alot om M&As. Here the strategy is to move customers from their legacy system, that we've aquired through the M&A, to our system. We move customers from on prem to the cloud . Let's do an example: Custom read more
September 09, 2021
Hi @Mike_Eastwood This is exactly what I hoped existed. I'll look into this. From the looks of it, this solves our problem. Thank you very more
FrederikLindum on July 08, 2021
Hi In our company we do alot om M&As. Here the strategy is to move customers from their legacy system, that we've aquired through the M&A, to our system. We move customers from on prem to the cloud . Let's do an example: Custom read more
September 09, 2021
Hi @Mike_Eastwood This is exactly what I hoped existed. I'll look into this. From the looks of it, this solves our problem. Thank you very more
FrederikLindum on July 08, 2021
Hi In our company we do alot om M&As. Here the strategy is to move customers from their legacy system, that we've aquired through the M&A, to our system. We move customers from on prem to the cloud . Let's do an example: Custom read more
September 09, 2021
Hi @Mike_Eastwood This is exactly what I hoped existed. I'll look into this. From the looks of it, this solves our problem. Thank you very more
FrederikLindum on July 06, 2021
Hi We still do alot os outbound activies and don't just wait for marketing to generate leads. In regards to that, I'm missing some sort of tag on Companies that tells us the "temperature" of the customer. In Hubspot we both have Companies that a read more
July 08, 2021
I see. Thanks again! This was helpfull.
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