
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Mar 12, 2021
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Afdallah Arafat

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dannio on October 29, 2020
So I've been testing the feasibility of me making a template purely from using a DnD area in a template and I've noticed 1 crucial thing: No responsiveness options Even without responsive options, adding an option to insert custom classes int read more
45 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
September 15, 2022
It's been a while since this thread started. any update on this?
KDelahunt on June 24, 2022
I need to ensure that the tablet breakpoint appears correct for the users of my website. Even though the preview mode displays the tablet breakpoint along with the desktop and mobile, the Website and Landing Page Editor only provides an option to e read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
September 15, 2022
Definitely need this!
afdallah_arafat on November 20, 2021
Hi guys, is there a way to organize our custom module? it would be nice if we can categorize them. I have something in mind, such as these Conversions - Module 1 - Module 2 - Module 3 Masthead variations - Module 1 - Module 2 - Modul read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
November 22, 2021
Can you elaborate more on this? I have created a bunch of modules, the issue is that due to too many modules, it all falls under the "Theme modules" more
afdallah_arafat on November 20, 2021
Hi guys, is there a way to organize our custom module? it would be nice if we can categorize them. I have something in mind, such as these Conversions - Module 1 - Module 2 - Module 3 Masthead variations - Module 1 - Module 2 - Modul read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
November 22, 2021
Can you elaborate more on this? I have created a bunch of modules, the issue is that due to too many modules, it all falls under the "Theme modules" more
afdallah_arafat on June 02, 2021
Hi there, {{ request_contact }} variable suddenly not working, and give me this error message `InterpretException: Error resolving expression [request_contact]: NullPointerException:` It used to work and my template has been using that vari read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
June 07, 2021
I tested on the other day it magically works. Not sure what was internally happened with Hubspot.
afdallah_arafat on June 02, 2021
Hi there, {{ request_contact }} variable suddenly not working, and give me this error message `InterpretException: Error resolving expression [request_contact]: NullPointerException:` It used to work and my template has been using that vari read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
June 07, 2021
I tested on the other day it magically works. Not sure what was internally happened with Hubspot.
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