
Member since ‎Dec 19, 2016
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kdipaolo on June 14, 2018
Created on behalf of a customer. Who: Service Hub Goal: Access service hub tickets on mobile app It would be helpful for customers who are out of the office and don't have access to a laptop or computer to be able to work on tickets via mobil read more
173 Replies
August 06, 2020
After completing a survey for the same, and getting lots of promises that it will be done we can see it was all for nothing, now our team has a more
artemtour on July 07, 2020
Hi, we really need the option of new email creation in the mobile app conversation the same as you have on the desktop.
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kdipaolo on June 14, 2018
Created on behalf of a customer. Who: Service Hub Goal: Access service hub tickets on mobile app It would be helpful for customers who are out of the office and don't have access to a laptop or computer to be able to work on tickets via mobil read more
173 Replies
August 06, 2020
After completing a survey for the same, and getting lots of promises that it will be done we can see it was all for nothing, now our team has a more
smartinez on August 28, 2018
We need some type of forwarding tool in hubspots inbox so we can send emails to different departments within out company. Currently we are unable to change who the email is being sent to when replying.
102 Replies
March 07, 2020
We must have this feature to use the conversations inbox. We often get emails that need to be forwarded to different departments that are not on more
kdipaolo on June 14, 2018
Created on behalf of a customer. Who: Service Hub Goal: Access service hub tickets on mobile app It would be helpful for customers who are out of the office and don't have access to a laptop or computer to be able to work on tickets via mobil read more
173 Replies
August 06, 2020
After completing a survey for the same, and getting lots of promises that it will be done we can see it was all for nothing, now our team has a more
EllenG on February 05, 2019
Please add a feature allowing users to print conversations (i.e. emails, chats) from the Conversation Inbox. To do this now, you wold need to use snipping tool (which is rather frustrating if you are tryign to print a long email and therefore n read more
19 Replies
March 03, 2020
It is a must-have feature for us! And it is a standard for any communication system.
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