
Member since ‎Sep 15, 2017
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Ted Epstein

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RepreZenTed on June 15, 2019
I would find it really helpful to tag contact lists as belonging to a certain campaign, so cloning the campaign also clones the lists, which are an essential part of the campaign. Here's the background... We are running training workshops, u read more
October 31, 2019
Thanks @pweston3 ! That's a really nice addition. I would like to keep this issue open, because I'm looking for a solution that allows me to more
RepreZenTed on October 07, 2019
I'm trying to get the following code to work, but there seems to be a problem passing contact_id as the first argument to the HUBL crm_associations() function. {% set contact_id = contact.hs_object_id %} {% set deals = crm_associations(cont read more
October 20, 2019
Here are my follow-up questions and the answers I received from Ben in Hubspot technical support: QUESTIONS 1. What is request_contact? more
RepreZenTed on October 07, 2019
I'm trying to get the following code to work, but there seems to be a problem passing contact_id as the first argument to the HUBL crm_associations() function. {% set contact_id = contact.hs_object_id %} {% set deals = crm_associations(cont read more
October 20, 2019
Here are my follow-up questions and the answers I received from Ben in Hubspot technical support: QUESTIONS 1. What is request_contact? more
RepreZenTed on October 07, 2019
I'm trying to get the following code to work, but there seems to be a problem passing contact_id as the first argument to the HUBL crm_associations() function. {% set contact_id = contact.hs_object_id %} {% set deals = crm_associations(cont read more
October 20, 2019
Here are my follow-up questions and the answers I received from Ben in Hubspot technical support: QUESTIONS 1. What is request_contact? more
RepreZenTed on October 05, 2019
I’m creating a coded template for email that will use contact fields (“personalization tokens”) and fields from deals that are related to the contact. The preview in the code editor doesn’t seem to have a way to set a contact, so I can’t see actual read more
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3 Replies
October 08, 2019
Thanks for your replies, @BiG and @Mike_Eastwood . This is how I'm doing it now, using the preview mode in an email based on the coded email more
BiG on July 26, 2019
I want to ask HubSpot to support if statements in email templates as soon as possible. It would be a really big help in providing customized content to our potential customers in our emails. We currently support 7 languages. Currently, all read more
42 Replies
October 07, 2019
We're talking about {% if %} statements in HubL, right? Is this limitation documented somewhere? I wonder if this is just one manifestation more
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