
Member since ‎Sep 14, 2017
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Steven Hambleton

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DMul on September 01, 2021
Hi hello Hubspot, I would like to code an email template from scratch so i have total control over my HTML head section and thereby use the "dnd_area" HubL Tags to enable the use the D&D functionality.
June 06, 2023
Hi @Mícheál - can you share some of your ideas so we can give feedback to help scope this out? Things I'd like to see - The ability to more
Andrew_Nimbler on October 24, 2016
I'm looking into creating a master email template that contains multiple layouts that the client can show/ hide. The idea is that the template is locked down so the client can't do anything unintended, but allows them to create all their email commu read more
1 upvote
8 Replies
April 14, 2021
Hi Andrew, Only issue with this is that if you add 6 or more sections, the modules no longer correspond with the order you choose for them.
ipowell on December 08, 2017
It would be great if there were a way to integrate Instagram posts into landing pages. Similar to how the lightbox is set up in the image gallery module. Just a grid of photos that link out to the instagram posts. Example of Possible Ins read more
5 Replies
May 22, 2019
Has anything happened with this? I'm looking to add an Instagram feed into an email template.
kevinwphelps on March 07, 2019
I know you can embed a meetings module onto a normal webpage, but can you embed the module in an email where people can book meetings directly from the email they're reading?
4 Replies
May 13, 2019
Drift and Mixmax can do it. Hubspot just need to work on the HTML and make an email embeddable meeting feature. If the user needs a different time/ more
HighQ on October 10, 2018
Hello! I'm trying out Drag and Drop email editor for the first time. I generally like it, but would like to have HTML source code access for all elements again. It has it available for rich text, but not images. I'd like it for images so I can read more
19 Replies
May 08, 2019
I'd like to be able to create modules with no fear that Hubspot will add loads of HTML cruft to the template. Marketo does this well where I can more
socialjedisites on August 28, 2018
Is it possible to import email template from MailChimp?
0 upvote
3 Replies
April 26, 2019
You've made an assumption that the OP is using a Mailchimp supplied template. Let's assume the OP has a custom HTML template, fully tested in more
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