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Member since ‎Mar 5, 2021
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Lucas Leverett

Lucas wears a self-professed passion for brands and brand experiences on his sleeve. He’s an imagination and idea guy with an affinity for disruptions to the status quo. He'll readily point you to his favorite Hot Chicken or craft brews of a hopped or caffeinated variety and he's made a parallel career of conjuring up events filled with superheroes, spacemen, and zombies.


Member | Partner
January 26, 2022
Literally sitting here right now wishing this was a thing. Plus one.
Leverett on November 09, 2021
Imagine... a view of your blogs with deadlines, publish date, and the associated social posts, all on one calendar, viewed inside HubSpot... I think this should be a thing - and would be a massive benefit that seems like it would be easy to wire read more
1 Reply
Member | Partner
June 15, 2021
ALL the yes. What you just described is my life. Time to schedule posts? Open up that post schedule doc you keep on your desktop... This is a more
Member | Partner
March 18, 2021
Fantastic added depth! Yes.
Leverett on March 05, 2021
It is wonderful that we have the ability to set a custom posting schedule in Social Media, but not all networks/platforms have the same "best time" or "best day." It would be good to be able to check off your platforms per time, so HubSpot knows to read more
5 Replies
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