
Member since ‎Mar 4, 2021
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Luisa Escovar

Living the 100% remote life with Courage... my dog.


jnaranjobotero on October 31, 2022
Today while I drink my tea, I contemplate the sunset, and I recognize how the sky gives me an ineffable artistic work that with its orange tones disguises the night of Halloween. In the presumed darkness, the stars that were impatiently awaiting fo read more
November 01, 2022
Loved this Juan! I felt another type of calling this year and did dress up but not in costume! I remembered the things I enjoyed about this day more
luescovar on July 27, 2022
Hi Community! I'm posting this one here on behalf of a conversation with a customer, I can confirm that when we add or remove columns from our ACTIONS under a list, those actions refer to the list tool generally- which means any change you mak read more
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luescovar on June 28, 2022
Hola hola todes, feliz tarde de martes 🙂 Espero hayan pasado un muy buen fin de semana, para algunes largo con lunes festivo. ¡Justo y necesario! debo decir. Han sido días para mí un poco estresantes porque elegí cambiarme de ciudad y me ha read more
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luescovar on June 24, 2022
Hola Comunidad, Espero estén teniendo una excelente semana 🙂 Mi semana ha estado llena de primeras veces, no es un secreto que hay muchas de esas cuando entramos a HubSpot. Nuevos aprendizajes todo el tiempo, nuevas caras, nuevos retos... read more
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luescovar on June 15, 2022
Hey Team, Posting on behalf of a customer - It would be awesome to have the option to set seconds/minutes delays within active email sequences. That way, when an email automatically goes out, I can have it set so read more
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luescovar on June 13, 2022
Buenos días comunidad, Esta vez les saludo un Martes porque a veces el Lunes no se puede, a veces el cuerpo le pide a uno a gritos una pausa para revisar hace cuánto no nos revisamos. Ayer tuve una emergencia odontológica... sí, odonto read more
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