
Member since ‎Mar 4, 2021
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Hanna Savarin

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k8isgreat on June 28, 2017
I was under the impression that when a Deal is attached to a Company, the contacts would automatically be pulled into the "Contacts" box. I would love the contacts to automatically be added when a company is attached to a deal so that 1. It read more
101 Replies
May 17, 2021
Totally agree with Kevin 🙂 When assigning a contact to a deal, automatically assign the linked company would help our sales team save time.
cpappas_auxin on January 03, 2018
I am importing a CSV file with contacts that have multiple email addresses. Hubspot supports multiple email addresses in the "Email" field, which is wonderful, but the data cannot be imported this way. To import, I had to create multiple email pro read more
120 Replies
May 17, 2021
Would be so useful 🙌 It could be like when importing multiple options properties, with ";".
Hannass on April 03, 2021
Hello, I would like to add a First Form Filled property on my forms (hidden). But if this value is already known, I don't want it to be replaced. How is this possible?
1 upvote
5 Replies
April 03, 2021
My property is called First Touch Type and is used to define the type of form the lead first filled. -> Contact:the first form filled by a lead more
Hannass on April 03, 2021
Hello, I would like to add a First Form Filled property on my forms (hidden). But if this value is already known, I don't want it to be replaced. How is this possible?
1 upvote
5 Replies
April 03, 2021
My property is called First Touch Type and is used to define the type of form the lead first filled. -> Contact:the first form filled by a lead more
Hannass on April 03, 2021
Hello, I would like to add a First Form Filled property on my forms (hidden). But if this value is already known, I don't want it to be replaced. How is this possible?
1 upvote
5 Replies
April 03, 2021
My property is called First Touch Type and is used to define the type of form the lead first filled. -> Contact:the first form filled by a lead more
Hannass on March 18, 2021
Hello there, I would like to track 2 différent funnels in Hubspot, as we have two different types of customers with different actions needed : - B2C: individuals that want to improve their skills. - B2B: companies that want to train their employee read more
March 18, 2021
Hello Phil, And thank your for your answer! About segmented the database, it's already done 🙂 But here is my problem: A B2C MQL is not the more
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