
Participant | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Mar 3, 2021
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David Zoladz

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dzoladz on August 27, 2024
The content css below represents an icon. The problem is I don't know where \44 is being referenced or associated to an icon. If I change it to a random number, the icon changes if there is a match. Does anyone know where this is located in HubSpot read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
August 29, 2024
I'm seeing font-family : 'lmt' !important; before the element/icon. There is a font file lmt in design manager but it seems to be empty. Is more
dzoladz on August 27, 2024
The content css below represents an icon. The problem is I don't know where \44 is being referenced or associated to an icon. If I change it to a random number, the icon changes if there is a match. Does anyone know where this is located in HubSpot read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
August 29, 2024
I'm seeing font-family : 'lmt' !important; before the element/icon. There is a font file lmt in design manager but it seems to be empty. Is more
dzoladz on August 27, 2024
The content css below represents an icon. The problem is I don't know where \44 is being referenced or associated to an icon. If I change it to a random number, the icon changes if there is a match. Does anyone know where this is located in HubSpot read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
August 29, 2024
I'm seeing font-family : 'lmt' !important; before the element/icon. There is a font file lmt in design manager but it seems to be empty. Is more
dzoladz on May 23, 2023
Hello all. Would anyone know of a way to to set up a HubSpot RSS email to automatically be sent when a new blog comes through the RSS feed from a WP site? The only options I see are sending it manually or scheduling it to send periodically. Thanks. read more
Participant | Platinum Partner
May 25, 2023
@MiaSrebrnjak and @Jnix284 , thank you both for your feedback. Much appreciated.
dzoladz on May 23, 2023
Hello all. Would anyone know of a way to to set up a HubSpot RSS email to automatically be sent when a new blog comes through the RSS feed from a WP site? The only options I see are sending it manually or scheduling it to send periodically. Thanks. read more
Participant | Platinum Partner
May 25, 2023
@MiaSrebrnjak and @Jnix284 , thank you both for your feedback. Much appreciated.
dzoladz on February 26, 2023
I have a module that uses the following code. div id="product_content" (display:block) div class="item_conteiner (display:flex) => show div class="item_conteiner (display:flex) => show div class="item_conteiner (display: read more
Participant | Platinum Partner
February 27, 2023
@piersg I figured it out, I had to add height: auto !important; to both parent div's and add to position: static !important; to the more
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