
Member since ‎Mar 1, 2021
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Matt Scaramastra

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MScaramastra on September 18, 2024
This feature would solve issues that arise when integrating data. Currently, a timed delay can be used to work around, but it's not 100%. Turning off the workflow and turning it back on is not scalable. But if the net outcome of that manual action c read more
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MScaramastra on September 18, 2024
It would be cool if you could apply a color scheme to all reports on a given dashboard instead of customizing each report 1 by 1.
MScaramastra on September 18, 2024
This would be useful in several use cases. If there was a notes feature in the user controls so that it could be notated why, for example a user may not log into HubSpot, but should still have access, such as for report distribution and other functi read more
Kjones11 on September 13, 2023
Hi There, We have multiple deals (upsells after initial deal) that are associated with our account. How would I go about showing total amount of all closed- won deals on the company level, so we can quickly see the total amount of ARR that a comp read more
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7 Replies
September 16, 2024
Yes, also looking for this data point in a table. IE, total of deals in hubspot associated with given company
ShayHerman14 on September 14, 2022
Hello! I was trying to add a link to a playbook that pertained to a specific task in a workflow and noticed this does not seem to be an option yet, after discussing with Hubspot support. Our team has specific follow up calls we make that each have read more
5 Replies
August 28, 2024
Yes this would be useful
bsm007 on January 29, 2020
We need a way to pre-set the value of a property field. I am constantly creating new Contacts where 85% of the time, the values of several properties are always the same. For example, I have a property called HaveX that should almost always be a va read more
91 Replies
August 22, 2024
This is a pretty basic feature I'd like to make use of. I understand this need is a 'trigger' action for upgrading to service pro (see what I did more
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