
Member since ‎Mar 1, 2021
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Samuel McGarrigle

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pingle on July 05, 2017
On a form, there is a field with two different responses, which helps to determine the ideal customer. It is very important to have the feature to redirect a visitor to separate thank you pages based on the response. To B2B customers, we sell our p read more
141 Replies
May 26, 2021
@BHennessy Not a silly question at all as I had to double check, you leave the "// YOUR SCRIPT HERE" in place everything else in caps replace as more
pingle on July 05, 2017
On a form, there is a field with two different responses, which helps to determine the ideal customer. It is very important to have the feature to redirect a visitor to separate thank you pages based on the response. To B2B customers, we sell our p read more
141 Replies
May 26, 2021
@BHennessy Not a silly question at all as I had to double check, you leave the "// YOUR SCRIPT HERE" in place everything else in caps replace as more
EileenP on August 06, 2020
I'm trying to do something in Hubspot that I did frequently in Eloqua but not seeing a way to do it. Basically, instead of every offer landing page I ever create having its own form, have one shared offer form with hidden fields for campaign and off read more
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9 Replies
April 16, 2021
So I've found a work around for this, create a custom module in Hubspot and use the following code. I don't know how to link the code without screen more
Eleven11 on November 09, 2017
I know that it's bad practice to use smart content on a thank you page, but I need a way to redirect users to a thank you page based on a form selection. When someone requests a demo, they indicate how many clients they have. If they have less read more
14 Replies
April 16, 2021
So I've found a work around for this, create a custom module in Hubspot and use the following code. I don't know how to link the code without screen more
kgrondellcmx on June 30, 2020
Is there a way to add dynamic parameters to the redirect uri? In other words I want my base redirect uri to be but with each user I will send along an account id and network id which will be unique to the user so read more
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3 Replies
April 16, 2021
So I've found a work around for this, create a custom module in Hubspot and use the following code. I don't know how to link the code without screen more
Gthn on August 20, 2019
Hi, I want to redirect users to a dynamic URL which already includes a "?". Basically I want our users to fill a form with their website as one of the property in order to redirect them to a URL which include their website. So if they fill read more
0 upvote
25 Replies
April 16, 2021
So I've found a work around for this, create a custom module in Hubspot and use the following code. I don't know how to link the code without screen more
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