
Miembro desde ‎feb 26, 2021
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Laurie Powers

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Abril 01, 2024
Unfortunately, our original settings included automatically associating contacts with companies and now we are reaching our maximum association limit...Leer más
Julio 11, 2022
We use transactional emails to communicate basic information to customers upon their initial inquiry, sometimes requesting additional information or ...Leer más
LPowers en May 19, 2022
One of our teams whom have their own inbox specifically serves customers who want to sell products to us. They have noticed recently a fair amount are being flagged by the alert "Be careful with this message". Most of these are customers that Leer más
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1 Respuestas
LPowers en Abril 11, 2022
We are a Customer Service team that often needs to partner with other departments in Purchasing or Fulfillment to resolve a customer issue. Cross Department communication can be challenging at times and although 1 person within the other departm Leer más
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Febrero 15, 2022
I am building reports for our customer service team around tickets and surveys. The following are some suggestions that I think would help with exce...Leer más
LPowers en Febrero 14, 2022
In both our purchasing and customer service departments we receive a large influx of emails that are simply notifying the teams of progress on customer tickets. Currently, the inboxes are set to auto create tickets for each new conversation which i Leer más
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