
Member since ‎Feb 25, 2021
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Sébastien DEGLIAME

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SDEGLIAME on September 12, 2024
Hello folks, For a dynamic page I need to know if an anchor is used in the url. I know how to manage this kind of stuff with JS but in this case it's I have to modify the request I made to construct the page so, I think it must be done with hu read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
September 12, 2024
Thanks for your response !
SDEGLIAME on September 12, 2024
Hello folks, For a dynamic page I need to know if an anchor is used in the url. I know how to manage this kind of stuff with JS but in this case it's I have to modify the request I made to construct the page so, I think it must be done with hu read more
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2 Replies
September 12, 2024
Thanks for your response !
SDEGLIAME on October 30, 2023
Hello everyone, I have a private application that is used in a private page of my HubSpot site, and I would like this application to be able to send HubSpot notifications to certain users (sales team). Reading the docs I understand that it would read more
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2 Replies
November 02, 2023
Hello Jaycee, The application is truly "private" because it can only be accessed after user authentication. The application (which uses VueJS) is a more
SDEGLIAME on October 30, 2023
Hello everyone, I have a private application that is used in a private page of my HubSpot site, and I would like this application to be able to send HubSpot notifications to certain users (sales team). Reading the docs I understand that it would read more
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2 Replies
November 02, 2023
Hello Jaycee, The application is truly "private" because it can only be accessed after user authentication. The application (which uses VueJS) is a more
SLoo on February 15, 2022
Hi team, Raising this on behalf of a customer who can really benefit from a replicated report of the Conversion Pages section under the Form's performance tab. At the moment, this particular section is yet to be made available for reports/dashboard read more
4 Replies
September 13, 2023
Great great idea ! An export as CSV or JSON will be awesome!
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