
Member since ‎Sep 11, 2017
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Brennon Harrison

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JennLarsen on December 20, 2019
It would be useful if you were able to select the Hubspot Owner as a Field on a Form. In certain situations, you want to assign specific leads to a particular user based on the form that is submitted. I know that you can do it in a workflow, but whe read more
21 Replies
February 03, 2021
We have an INTERNAL form the sales team uses to submit information so it would be really helpful to be able to pull in contact owner property and more
butteryak on August 23, 2019
Is there anyway to assign an owner to a new contact when a form is submitted? (other than workflows which is not available in free version)
12 Replies
February 03, 2021
We have an INTERNAL form the sales team uses to submit information so it would be really helpful to be able to pull in contact owner property and more
Brennon on January 26, 2021
My Deals are created by a form submission where a customer has requested samples (ie product a, b, c). Right now, the samples are being populated into the deal description ("Samples: Product a, b, c") because this property is searchable on the main read more
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VCheung on January 25, 2021
I have managed to create a workflow to add the company name to a deal name but would be highly benificial to append another property item to that, like a line item for example to create a uniform naming converntion .
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January 26, 2021
What triggers your workflow? Our deals are created from a form submission - I have the deal name populate with tokens from the form submission. I more
lwcola on January 25, 2021
Working with our sales team, when we review deals and want to sort by deal owner, we have to scroll through every HubSpot user in our system to get to relevant names (i.e. names of users who aren't even on our sales team and would never be a deal ow read more
3 Replies
January 26, 2021
Have you set up a team? If you set that up, you can filter on HubSpot Team instead of selecting each deal owner individually.
yorame on April 06, 2017
Great idea for HubSpot: make it possible to change the date that belongs to a note in the timeline. My sales colleagues don't always submit their notes on the day of a certain meeting/event, and by adding them later they don't appear at the right s read more
48 Replies
January 25, 2021
I am moving my team out of excel and into the CRM deals. I would love to be able to backdate the notes to keep up with which deals have not been more
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