
Member since ‎Sep 10, 2017
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Martin Tronquit

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martint on March 31, 2021
The number of views is a critical indicator of a post performance on Linkedin. However today it is not possible to see the number of views per post on Hubspot. Would it be possible to set this up?
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martint on March 31, 2021
Hello, Customer interactions with the company on Linkedin are a great indication of engagement. But today Hubspot does not track those interactions, so it is not possible to add them to lead scoring for ex. Would it be possible to set up that inte read more
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martint on January 07, 2021
Hello, When sending emails using a template I'd love to be able to see a list of people to whom I sent the email and see for each if they have opened or clicked, as this would give me context on the follow up. Would that be possible?
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March 12, 2019
One nice feature would also to be able to create a list of prospects whose score has increased the most over a period of time. This allows you to more
March 12, 2019
Fully agree with this idea. Maybe Hubspot wants us to create as many contacts as possible so they can charge us more ?
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