
Member since ‎Feb 23, 2021
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Cathy Bergeron

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JacquiWG on July 31, 2020
Recently implemented Hubspot & am absolutely shocked & disgusted to find that I cannot search for a keyword in emails only in the subject line of the email. How is this possible in 2020 in a CRM system?!?!?!?! One of the reasons we implement read more
118 Replies
February 20, 2024
Unfortunately it is not working on my side
CBergeron on October 07, 2022
Having the average number of tickets per day starting from the number of tickets per month would be nice to have in reporting. According to Hubspot, development would be required. If someone has a turnaround to share, please let me know.
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CBergeron on October 07, 2022
We have a Customer service dashboard with many data. We also receive feedback from customers through a survey. It is not possible to include the feedback data in the dashboard. I want to import the Customer Satisfaction Survey analysis into the C read more
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Arne on April 27, 2019
We have quite a number of workflows in HubSpot that classify, notify, assign tasks and owners. If such users are out of office, processes get stuck in the dead end waiting for the users to eg come back from vacation. We are using rotation in some c read more
June 22, 2022
We can use a workflow to make an OOO message, but the contacts must be subscribers. If they are not, they wont enroll and won receive the message. more
JacquiWG on July 31, 2020
Recently implemented Hubspot & am absolutely shocked & disgusted to find that I cannot search for a keyword in emails only in the subject line of the email. How is this possible in 2020 in a CRM system?!?!?!?! One of the reasons we implement read more
118 Replies
February 20, 2024
Unfortunately it is not working on my side
DerrickCameron on June 22, 2020
At present, if you reply by email to a Ticket from the Ticket page, using the Shared Team Email address, HubSpot does not add the Team Signature. However, it does add the Team Signature if you respond to a Ticket from within the Conversation I read more
80 Replies
April 08, 2022
In ticket emails, we have the option to choose the ''From'' email address, but it does not change the signature. So if we have a team email address, more
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