
Member since ‎Feb 22, 2021
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John Kibler

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JKibler on April 12, 2022
I would like my deal tasks to be associated ONLY with the deal name, not with the company name that has been associated with the deal. That way, when I look at my list of tasks, I know which deal the task is associated with rather than just seeing read more
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JKibler on July 01, 2021
I was pleased to see that HubSpot enabled deals, contacts, and companies to be associated with tasks on the task viewing page (a great add) but would like to know if users can change the click-through location for the task. Said another way, if bot read more
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2 Replies
September 20, 2021
Thanks Karsten - I'll give it a try!
JKibler on July 01, 2021
I was pleased to see that HubSpot enabled deals, contacts, and companies to be associated with tasks on the task viewing page (a great add) but would like to know if users can change the click-through location for the task. Said another way, if bot read more
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2 Replies
September 20, 2021
Thanks Karsten - I'll give it a try!
JKibler on June 25, 2021
HubSpot recently greatly improved its functionality by allowing me to select whether I wanted to see "associated contact" or "associated company" or "associated deal" for each task in my task list. I would like to see the same functionality in my d read more
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RyanBarbour on April 27, 2017
When using a summary report, would be great to have some sorting options so you could sort by biggest/smallest value or sort by alphabetical order.
June 18, 2021
My reports are now much worse than they were pre- new report function because the default column sorting is the small to large on the "Amount in more
tscott on November 14, 2017
In our company, we use the tasks feature to assign RFQ's/(Deals) to employees. But we do not have the option to customize/edit the columns. We would like to edit the titles and the number of steps in the tasks feature so, we can more accurately show read more
93 Replies
June 10, 2021
I would like the "association" column to allow me to have the association for a task to be a deal name, not the default company name or contact more
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