
Member since ‎Feb 19, 2021
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Samantha Taraskiewicz

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STaraskiewicz on February 19, 2024
I was hoping there may be a way to hide (but maintain on the backend) specific rows in a HubDB table. Example, we want to hide the news hits from 5+ years ago on the live website, but keep the list as an archive on the backend. I saw there was a read more
r2davis3 on September 14, 2017
After assigning a Lead to a HS Sales User, I'd like to start a Sequence on their behalf, such that the email in the sequence has the FROM email of the HS Sales User, not me (the initator of the sequence).
188 Replies
May 04, 2022
@glencornell you said that there would be an update in 2021... it is now 2022. Any chance this will be looked at?
r2davis3 on September 14, 2017
After assigning a Lead to a HS Sales User, I'd like to start a Sequence on their behalf, such that the email in the sequence has the FROM email of the HS Sales User, not me (the initator of the sequence).
188 Replies
May 04, 2022
@glencornell you said that there would be an update in 2021... it is now 2022. Any chance this will be looked at?
JFirth on January 12, 2021
It would be really useful to be able to change the owner of a sequence once the sequence has been made. For example, this would enable me to create a sequence which could then be sent out by other SDRs and the data / analytics are reflected under th read more
59 Replies
May 04, 2022
As the database manager, it would be AMAZING to be able to set up these sequences for my sales team, so that they just have to focus on outreach and more
DougFish on January 17, 2020
I have several contacts who I can't send emails to who HAVE NOT tried to opt out. they may now have high open rates but they nonetheless want to continue hearing from me. How can I change their status to allow emails to go through?
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12 Replies
February 25, 2022
I was thinking something similar... or having a check box that says "send regardless of engagement"
DougFish on January 17, 2020
I have several contacts who I can't send emails to who HAVE NOT tried to opt out. they may now have high open rates but they nonetheless want to continue hearing from me. How can I change their status to allow emails to go through?
0 upvote
12 Replies
February 25, 2022
I was thinking something similar... or having a check box that says "send regardless of engagement"
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