
Member since ‎Feb 19, 2021
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Serena Daub

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pundir on July 15, 2020
Often the most important information we want to provide our customers resides in nicely formatted beautiful tables (we usually copy from Excel and paste into Gmail). Unfortunately, Hubspot email templates and snippets do now allow tables. Hence our read more
January 11, 2024
Being able to copy and paste a table into one-to-one emails is widely needed in our organization.
mnyhart0 on April 06, 2023
The toggle that is able to choose the original sender as the associated contact is great, but it would be just a little bit better if we could set it for specific email domains.
5 Replies
November 23, 2023
We are very much in need of this as well. We would like to see the original sender as the contact on tickets coming from our own domain, but the more
AHWSOL on November 20, 2023
Hi! Sometimes when we want to forward an email from the conversation inbox, we need to remove some of the text in the prevouis email chain. When we click on the forward button, we would like to be able to see the whole chain that we are about to for read more
2 Replies
November 23, 2023
Would also add - we would like to be able to see/delete text from the previous emails when we reply as well!
SDaub on November 10, 2022
The new required properties feature is great but I would love it if they were conditional. For example we want to prevent employees from closing a ticket without an owner so we have made the ticket owner a required property. But now it is asking e read more
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JeffSwitzer on October 08, 2019
Hi Team, I'm looking to get a feature for static and non static lists implemnted. Can we have a restore contacts to list or restore list to previous version. I just accidentally deleted some contacts from a huge static list and Itd be nice if I read more
12 Replies
August 25, 2022
Agree! we just had all of the contacts from a list deleted with no option but to recreate the list and once again have everyone go through the list more
SDaub on June 10, 2022
Would love to be able to search for emails in the spam folder in conversations!
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