
Member since ‎Feb 19, 2021
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Shelley Bougnague

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Quinten on September 26, 2019
Our Pricing is per month and we charge a one time setup. Invoice happens once per year (See screenshot) The total amount as mentioned on the quote is quite confusing for customers. My suggestion would be to make it an option to hide the total am read more
79 Replies
July 25, 2023
lots of great changes but i haven't found a way to add total contract value onto the quote yet - this is an issue for multi year SaaS deals. I see more
sboug on May 19, 2023
Hi, Is anyone able to help me with the custom code I would need to use in a workflow that would check which user updated 'Lead Status' property to ' BDR Qualified' and update 'BDR Qualified Rep' with that user? Thanks! Shelley
sboug on February 28, 2023
Hi, I'm looking at add the Gartner Peer Insights widget onto our website but I want to adjust the size of the widget and I'm not sure how. I'm looking to change the width so it's more landscape than portrait. <script type="text/javascrip read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
February 28, 2023
thank you so much - this is exactly what I was looking for - apprecaite the quick response 😀
sboug on February 28, 2023
Hi, I'm looking at add the Gartner Peer Insights widget onto our website but I want to adjust the size of the widget and I'm not sure how. I'm looking to change the width so it's more landscape than portrait. <script type="text/javascrip read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
February 28, 2023
thank you so much - this is exactly what I was looking for - apprecaite the quick response 😀
sboug on February 28, 2023
Hi, I'm looking at add the Gartner Peer Insights widget onto our website but I want to adjust the size of the widget and I'm not sure how. I'm looking to change the width so it's more landscape than portrait. <script type="text/javascrip read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
February 28, 2023
thank you so much - this is exactly what I was looking for - apprecaite the quick response 😀
sboug on February 28, 2023
Hi, I'm looking at add the Gartner Peer Insights widget onto our website but I want to adjust the size of the widget and I'm not sure how. I'm looking to change the width so it's more landscape than portrait. <script type="text/javascrip read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
February 28, 2023
thank you so much - this is exactly what I was looking for - apprecaite the quick response 😀
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