
Participant | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Feb 18, 2021
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Tyler Kruzan

Young professional with a Bachelor of Science focused in Management Information Systems & Marketing from Ivy College of Business at Iowa State University. My interests include big data, data visualization, digital media, and marketing analytics. In my free time, I love to play tennis, socialize with friends, and travel!


TFalco on July 08, 2022
Does anyone know an easy way to look at the breakdown of a lead's score? We can see total score (20) and the pie chart (activity), but not how the 20 points breaks down (i.e. 10+5+5).
Participant | Elite Partner
February 21, 2023
Hi @TFalco — I think that the product team picked up on your comment! You can test contact score properties within the property editor where more
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