
Contributor | Gold Partner
Member since ‎Feb 18, 2021
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Jon Martin

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ParkerShort on November 03, 2022
Hi there, When we implement HubSpot, we get a lot of confusion between lead status, lifecycle stages and deal stages. We have multiple documents that show the difference, and how they're used. One request we get a lot is "can we just track when le read more
Contributor | Gold Partner
November 03, 2022
Yes! 100% agree with this. This is especially true for orgs that are focused on lower volume, higer prospect value where you are combining inbound & more
Jon-RevenueOps on October 25, 2022
It would be really helpful to have 2 different types of workflows. When you get into larger, more complex portals with a ton of workflows, you realize there are 2 very different types of workflows. Workflow Type One is an operational workflow. read more
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Shiran on October 17, 2022
At the moment, the default setting on notifications is that users get all notifications. This causes a lot of frustration as all users then get email notifications for unassigned conversations and this can only be turned off on a user level. read more
3 Replies
Contributor | Gold Partner
October 18, 2022
This would be great, the other aspect of this would be set up notifications by team (and force them on or off).
Jon-RevenueOps on October 14, 2022
I would like to be able to filter out specific emails, or domains, or filter by properties to manage who CES surveys are sent to. When there is internal collaboration on tickets (via email) internal contacts get added to a ticket. When that t read more
5 Replies
NicoleSengers on February 21, 2022
I would love to be able to add in the new association labels using a workflow - rather than needing to do this manually. this would enable businesses who have contact A who makes a booking and Contacts B, C, D etc who attend a course or an event f read more
343 Replies
Contributor | Gold Partner
June 13, 2022
This would be super helpful! I really need this ASAP.
Jon-RevenueOps on May 10, 2022
I am dealing with an issue where we are using the enterprise custom sidebars on the left-hand side both for team views as well as dependencies (if field has X value, show these additional fields). I am realizing that the preview function only read more
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