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Joe Slater

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JSlater on Oktober 06, 2023
Would be ideal if Snippets and Templates (Conversations) could be connected to self-built Custom Objects, allowing for personalisation etc. Also, being able to restrict/select which Snippet/template could be used for an object would be useful (e.g. Beitrag ansehen
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arlogilbert on November 10, 2021
It would be great if we could require CRM object association as part of the creation of another CRM Object. For example, a deal always has a company and at least one contact, yet we have no way of requiring that these two items be selected. It w Beitrag ansehen
24 Antworten
Juni 24, 2022
It would also be useful to be able to set association labels through workflows, rather than having to manually select these or continue to upload th...Beitrag ansehen
Arne on April 27, 2019
We have quite a number of workflows in HubSpot that classify, notify, assign tasks and owners. If such users are out of office, processes get stuck in the dead end waiting for the users to eg come back from vacation. We are using rotation in some c Beitrag ansehen
Juni 14, 2022
Agreed! This is a feature that would really tie many things together. In addition, being able to set workflows with the enrolment tiggers, ba...Beitrag ansehen
roop on August 28, 2018
Currently we can only center workflows around a contact date property. Can you add this functionality to company date properties.
23 Antworten
April 25, 2022
Can this also be considered for own bulit custom objects please
JSlater on Oktober 08, 2021
Hi Hubspot, Who = User {sales team} & Compliance team What = Currently we {users} are saving email communication and attachment to relevant sections within Hubspot {email log/attachment section} however, we have a number of key documents t Beitrag ansehen
JSlater on Mai 11, 2021
Can you please consider allowing for alternative properties to be displayed as the calculated total in the Pipeline/stage "total amount" section. This is defaulted to calculate deal amounts only, however, we would like the option to change this Beitrag ansehen
13 Antworten
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