
Member since ‎Feb 16, 2021
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Emma Flack

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JFirth on January 12, 2021
It would be really useful to be able to change the owner of a sequence once the sequence has been made. For example, this would enable me to create a sequence which could then be sent out by other SDRs and the data / analytics are reflected under th read more
59 Replies
December 13, 2021
How is this not a thing ??
EFlack on May 25, 2021
Hi there Still, a total newbie when it comes to HubSpot so bear with me We wish to create a landing page for a piece of gated content, I created the page as per the guide and wish to have the PDF document delivered via email to the prospect onc read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
June 15, 2021
Thanks @karstenkoehler This has worked perfectly
EFlack on March 26, 2021
Hi Is there a way to update contact records that are already in HS without overfilling what is already there? I tried to do this yesterday thinking the system would recognise that the import contains additional property information and simply ad read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
June 09, 2021
@karstenkoehler Brilliant news that this is available and will really help with the merging of multiple data sources. Many thanks for coming more
EFlack on May 25, 2021
Hi there Still, a total newbie when it comes to HubSpot so bear with me We wish to create a landing page for a piece of gated content, I created the page as per the guide and wish to have the PDF document delivered via email to the prospect onc read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
June 15, 2021
Thanks @karstenkoehler This has worked perfectly
EFlack on March 26, 2021
Hi Is there a way to update contact records that are already in HS without overfilling what is already there? I tried to do this yesterday thinking the system would recognise that the import contains additional property information and simply ad read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
June 09, 2021
@karstenkoehler Brilliant news that this is available and will really help with the merging of multiple data sources. Many thanks for coming more
EFlack on March 25, 2021
Hi I'm trying to add a list of my clients, all of whom subscribe to a combination of different services with us. I've created a Services dropdown in HS and have a data dump that contains client name, email and then a column per service with YES NO read more
1 upvote
6 Replies
March 25, 2021
Thanks for all your help - this has worked perfectly
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