
Member since ‎Feb 15, 2021
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Michael Lee

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MLee5 on March 03, 2021
Hello all - We currently use Airtable as a task management system. Team members fill out a “Ticket” of form fields and menus in order to submit a job request to our Art Dept. Manager. This “ticket” creates a “record" on our Airtable chart. read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
March 04, 2021
Sharon, I can't say thank you enough times for making us feel like we're not alone on these questions. So appreciated. Michael
MLee5 on March 03, 2021
Hello all - We currently use Airtable as a task management system. Team members fill out a “Ticket” of form fields and menus in order to submit a job request to our Art Dept. Manager. This “ticket” creates a “record" on our Airtable chart. read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
March 04, 2021
Sharon, I can't say thank you enough times for making us feel like we're not alone on these questions. So appreciated. Michael
MLee5 on March 03, 2021
Hello all - We currently use Airtable as a task management system. Team members fill out a “Ticket” of form fields and menus in order to submit a job request to our Art Dept. Manager. This “ticket” creates a “record" on our Airtable chart. read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
March 04, 2021
Sharon, I can't say thank you enough times for making us feel like we're not alone on these questions. So appreciated. Michael
MLee5 on February 23, 2021
Hello all - finally thawing out here in Baltimore, MD. We just purchased Enterprise MKTG. We have 2 main "groups" so thus two main domains, let's call them AA and BB, but we also have 3 smaller "domains" let's call them XX, YY and ZZ. We've create read more
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4 Replies
February 24, 2021
Josh, thank you so much for the insight. So, do you think there's a solution for my problem (which seems to be one brand is too small to consider more
MLee5 on February 23, 2021
Hello all - finally thawing out here in Baltimore, MD. We just purchased Enterprise MKTG. We have 2 main "groups" so thus two main domains, let's call them AA and BB, but we also have 3 smaller "domains" let's call them XX, YY and ZZ. We've create read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
February 24, 2021
Josh, thank you so much for the insight. So, do you think there's a solution for my problem (which seems to be one brand is too small to consider more
MLee5 on February 15, 2021
Hello all - trying to get things organized. Few questions about contacts: I work across a few different groups, with differing access to information. I can see that contacts come in to whatever Parent Team a User is associated. 1) I want to ch read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
February 17, 2021
Karsten, Guttentag? - not sure if you are German and I spelled this correctly. Yes understood for the 2nd and third questions - I did an more
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