
Participant | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Feb 12, 2021
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JFrost on April 14, 2022
Currently the ability to sync to QB is not available with Hubspot payments. When will this be available? We are starting to use this feature, and it's great for our customers. But it's a pain having to manually enter the transactions in QB.
1 Reply
Participant | Platinum Partner
November 20, 2023
HubSpot payments are an absolute dream for two of our non-profit clients but two-way sync on invoices is necessary. Can we get an answer as to more
SStocker on April 22, 2020
There's currently no way (no property to use as a trigger) to add lead scoring points based on social engagement within HubSpot. Several of my clients want to see this functionality enabled. It would be a great way to make scoring more accurate for read more
11 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
September 20, 2023
This would be really helpful for a client looking to build a robust lead scoring system. Can we get an update, please?
NZarlenga on July 31, 2023
Do any developers here have experience building real estate IDX websites in Hubspot? I need to be able to display live listings on my website. Thanks
Participant | Platinum Partner
August 14, 2023
Is there an option that works with CMS starter or Pro? Looking for a solution for an individual realtor site to display all MLS listings.
Otterbot on December 21, 2020
We would like our form to be able to use dependencies to display a rich text message (rather than an input field). Because we get many inquiries via our contact form, we want to be able to guide people to right place - sometimes an FAQ or an em read more
27 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
May 30, 2023
Please prioritize this; displaying a custom message based on a form selection is desperately needed by more than one of our clients.
BenRubin on March 23, 2021
When working with a possible client that is asking for an update to a quote, instead of updating the existing one and losing the quote history, can we archive an existing quote and then create a new one. The feature would be to archive quotes to read more
6 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
January 26, 2023
The lack of organization inside of Quotes is really frustrating; even if there wasn't an archive feature, to be able to add things to separate more
emcouturier on June 26, 2018
As it is possible for Ads, Blog, Email and Landing pages, be able to choose who can either read, write ou publish for Social Media. Or even more, the specific account they have access to - despite the one that they own VS don't own.
9 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
January 24, 2023
Agree this is a helpful and necessary feature!
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