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Michael Prentice

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wilsontayar on August 20, 2020
Currently, if the portal does not have the dedicated IP add-on, all e-mails are sent using a "" domain in the "Return-Path" header. By doing so HubSpot is breaking SPF Alignment rules. SPF and DKIM alignment are positive indicators Beitrag ansehen
Mai 20, 2021
Agree that something needs to be done to improve SPF compliance here. Due to this type of issue, we've moved away from all HubSpot emails and we ...Beitrag ansehen
bhb1991 on Oktober 06, 2020
My company has been trying to get back into the digital marketing. While we have been mostly successful in terms of email open rate, we've recently discovered that many of our big time clients aren't getting the emails. After some digging into t Beitrag ansehen
April 15, 2021
In that case, since full DKIM + SPF alignment is not possible, we're going to stop using HubSpot for all emails and move all of those types of featur...Beitrag ansehen
ptollinger on April 28, 2020
As you know, DMARC requires for SPF not only that the SPF record has the correct IPs but that the domain used to validate against matches the sending domain. Talking to support, this is possible with a dedicated IP but that doesn't make sense unles Beitrag ansehen
12 Antworten
Februar 12, 2021
This is significantly impacting our business as well. It's disheartening that there isn't a clear statement that work is in progress to make this bet...Beitrag ansehen
bhb1991 on Oktober 06, 2020
My company has been trying to get back into the digital marketing. While we have been mostly successful in terms of email open rate, we've recently discovered that many of our big time clients aren't getting the emails. After some digging into t Beitrag ansehen
April 15, 2021
In that case, since full DKIM + SPF alignment is not possible, we're going to stop using HubSpot for all emails and move all of those types of featur...Beitrag ansehen
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