
Member since ‎Dec 16, 2016
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Scott Spinola

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JStearns on June 08, 2023
Would be awesome if there was a way to set our company blog template to certain font sizes for headers (i.e. H2 are all font size 24 and H3 are all font size 20) instead of having to manually change them.
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September 20, 2023
Have you tried using a style sheet (CSS)? Our blog sets font sizes, colors, etc. that way. I don't manage that for our company so I can't describe more
DSmith21 on February 18, 2022
Hi, I'm hoping to see if we have a function to export a set of tags to multiple blogs at once or at least export the set of tags in a blog instead of selecting each one individually. For example, the blogs are for ice cream and we review flavors read more
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August 25, 2022
Just what I'm looking for. We're recreating and combining our blogs in a new theme and I want to clean up the tags while we're at it. As best I can, more
sspinolaNG on January 28, 2021
I'd like to see a HubSpot Social feature providing a mechanism for applying descripters (aka, keywords, tags, metadata, etc.) to social posts for sorting, filtering, and reporting within HubSpot and for use use locally (i.e., not published with the read more
jennysowyrda on November 17, 2020
Hi Developers! Our @VoiceofCustomer team here at HubSpot wants to hear from you! Their mission to make you a happier HubSpot customer. They do that by collecting and analysing your feedback across all points in your experience a read more
19 Replies
November 19, 2020
I'm talking about your overall blog/web page reporting tool. It's a mess of seemingly randomly placed filtersand sources. You can get visit source more
jennysowyrda on November 17, 2020
Hi Developers! Our @VoiceofCustomer team here at HubSpot wants to hear from you! Their mission to make you a happier HubSpot customer. They do that by collecting and analysing your feedback across all points in your experience a read more
19 Replies
November 19, 2020
I'm talking about your overall blog/web page reporting tool. It's a mess of seemingly randomly placed filtersand sources. You can get visit source more
sspinolaNG on October 28, 2020
As was done with date filtering this year, we desperately need universal source filtering in reports. I should be able to filter a report on any source—blogs, landing pages, URL Start—on any report and as a dashboard filter. Any source, any page-bas read more
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