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Hubert Olszowski


HOlszowski on Julho 03, 2024
Hey! I have this case: 1. I have a custom object created 2. I have a form in HS which asks for the user's email address and a dozen custom properties assigned to the custom object I now want a custom obejct to be created with these properties Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Julho 05, 2024
Hey Karsten, thank you so much for the answer. I just wanted to avoid creating unnecessary properties on the contact card, but you just confirmed tha...Leia mais
lP22 on Maio 07, 2024
We have created few custom fields in Hubspot account and mapped in our application and syncing data to hubspot. We are sending html text to hubspot in hubspot its has richtext fieldtype getting displayed in Hubspot by default in the below screen Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Julho 04, 2024
Hey, I would like to join the thread. Having a similar problem, I'd like to send Rich text via the API to input symbols and present them nicely visua...Leia mais
HOlszowski on Julho 03, 2024
Hey! I have this case: 1. I have a custom object created 2. I have a form in HS which asks for the user's email address and a dozen custom properties assigned to the custom object I now want a custom obejct to be created with these properties Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Julho 05, 2024
Hey Karsten, thank you so much for the answer. I just wanted to avoid creating unnecessary properties on the contact card, but you just confirmed tha...Leia mais
BenjaminOng on Agosto 02, 2022
Just realised, that Custom Line Item restriction is a moot setting. Users can simply edit the product line item completely. Please make restrictions for users more robust (Or even just usable). Right now, any sales user can select a line item fro Leia mais
22 avaliações positivas
7 Respostas
Outubro 03, 2023
Hey, having the same issue We have a strict pricing catalogue, the only field that should be editable is the discount. It turned out after some tim...Leia mais
GLR on Dezembro 13, 2017
Hello, I am just starting with D eals and I have an issue regarding the mandatory properties to create a deal. When Creating a D eal , I want my team to put the Company and the contact associated with the deal. Both informati Leia mais
555 avaliações positivas
230 Respostas
Maio 27, 2022
+1 It's crucial for us - for me it was obviuos that such feature exist. Right now it's not even possible to trigger any followup/slack notification e...Leia mais
bobeglz on Setembro 07, 2020
I work with Spanish and English speaking clients. It's necessary to be able to select the quote's language.
8 avaliações positivas
1 Respostas
Fevereiro 11, 2021
Hi! Any update here?
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