
Stratege/Strategin | Platinum Partner
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Justin Givens

I love helping people utilize the web. I'm also a loving father and husband and enjoy soccer a lot. If you want to grab 15 minutes to hash out your problem more just use the link >>


bmabille on November 15, 2024
Hi ! I made a JS script in order to replace a city input by a select, with an autocomplete with zip input value. It's working well on simple form. But in progressive form i have some issues. The value is correctly set in the input, but, some Beitrag ansehen
Stratege/Strategin | Platinum Partner
November 20, 2024
Yeah, I've also heard others say the same things. I think the forms team is currently working on making the new form js extendable.
susannamentor on November 08, 2024
When a contact gets created from Eventbrite and comes has signed up for multiple events, is there a way to see what their first registered event was? I know you can see what their last registed event was, but I haven't been able to find a way or a w Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Stratege/Strategin | Platinum Partner
November 15, 2024
That make sense @susannamentor . What I've done in the past is the following. Create a new contact property named: "First Registered Event" ...Beitrag ansehen
bmabille on November 15, 2024
Hi ! I made a JS script in order to replace a city input by a select, with an autocomplete with zip input value. It's working well on simple form. But in progressive form i have some issues. The value is correctly set in the input, but, some Beitrag ansehen
Stratege/Strategin | Platinum Partner
November 20, 2024
Yeah, I've also heard others say the same things. I think the forms team is currently working on making the new form js extendable.
arireu on November 08, 2024
Hi there! I am new to using hubspot and we have recently begun to use the eventbrite integration for our events we run. We are running into some issues with non-marketing contacts and being able to send post-event emails to them since we need CA Beitrag ansehen
Stratege/Strategin | Platinum Partner
November 08, 2024
You might want to switch from Eventbrite if it's not solving your consent issues. You might want to check out All the event r...Beitrag ansehen
susannamentor on November 08, 2024
When a contact gets created from Eventbrite and comes has signed up for multiple events, is there a way to see what their first registered event was? I know you can see what their last registed event was, but I haven't been able to find a way or a w Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Stratege/Strategin | Platinum Partner
November 15, 2024
That make sense @susannamentor . What I've done in the past is the following. Create a new contact property named: "First Registered Event" ...Beitrag ansehen
JStreit1 on März 16, 2022
Now that Custom Objects have the ability to dynamically create website pages, it would be a much better user experience if there was a property type for Image rather than having to copy and paste a file URL into a property value. Not only would this Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
Stratege/Strategin | Platinum Partner
November 05, 2024
Much needed HubSpot!
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