
Member since ‎Feb 5, 2021
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Darcy Britt

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HAmijee on August 31, 2021
Is it possible to choose different properties for different pipelines that are viewed on the deal cards for that pipeline?
7 Replies
June 20, 2023
I agree that it's not clear that it's resolved. I would prefer the ability to create pipeline-specific properties and this doesn't appear to be the more
2365063 on January 15, 2021
Hubspot has been great, but one feature I had in Salesforce that is lacking is the ability to customize the Deal About section per Pipeline. We use Pipelines to separate our lines of business and the About section fields that correspond to each Pipe read more
24 Replies
June 20, 2023
This should be a relatively easy but highly impacted change for HubSpot to make. It has been needed for quite a while!
hlpayne on June 01, 2020
Add option to organize attachments or documents on a contact, company, or deal. Create sub-folders, if necessary to organize document attachments. Ability to remove email signature images or the like that aren't needed, but get added as attachments read more
10 Replies
August 12, 2022
I completely agree with this suggestion. Using the 'BCC to HubSpot' feature from Outlook is great, but not when HubSpot captures the same more
DBritt on June 22, 2022
For auditing and organizational purposes, it would be extremely helpful if HubSpot would allow users to export a list of the report names from their report library.
NVejby on March 12, 2021
Hello everyone! My company has developed a platform for active breaks during a workday, and one of the things we are tracking in HS is our weekly/monthly "activations" (videos watched on the platform). One of the services we offer to our custom read more
September 08, 2021
This is a great idea and one that our company is looking for as well. Ultimately, we would desire the report to automatically convert into a .pdf more
tom569039875678 on September 23, 2020
Currently, a user can be a 'primary' member of only one team. The user can be added to other teams as an 'additional team member', but many team features are unavailable to these 'additional' users (see list of restrictions below). This is probl read more
April 20, 2021
This one certainly has my vote! From a sales management perspective, there is no point in the present restrictions on team membership in HubSpot if more
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