
Mitglied seit ‎Feb 5, 2021
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Anna Bishop

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November 08, 2021
I would love to get the email data based on the email subscription list. So if I send an email to one subscription type, what open rate does that typ...Beitrag ansehen
ABishop on November 05, 2021
I used to do everything out a salesforce and there was a dedupe tool called Data groomer. if there were multiple accounts that looked the same I could handle them all at once. I could also see a list of fields I choose and then pick and choose which Beitrag ansehen
November 05, 2021
We have been manually tracking this. I would love a report that can do it for me. All the data is there so it shouldn't be hard.
ABishop on Juni 14, 2021
I use templates from previous emails all the time and sometimes I need to do a quick update. There is no way to edit these templates but instead, we have to delete them and make a new one with the changes. It would be nice to be able to edit it. We Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
ABishop on Februar 05, 2021
We currently don't have a company set email signature. I want to set that up and I designed what I want it to look like with the HubSpot tool. However, there is no way for me to make a template for my team to fill in their information but not touch Beitrag ansehen
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