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Ronan Harkin

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benesch_e on November 14, 2019
It would be nice to be able to make one time address change to a company physical address during quote creation Currently the only option is to change the company's address and then reverse it manually afterwards.
10 Antworten
März 17, 2021
Unfortunately, I was able to get the following feedback from HubSpot support. We really need this to be addressed and I have been pressing to underst...Beitrag ansehen
benesch_e on November 14, 2019
It would be nice to be able to make one time address change to a company physical address during quote creation Currently the only option is to change the company's address and then reverse it manually afterwards.
10 Antworten
März 17, 2021
Unfortunately, I was able to get the following feedback from HubSpot support. We really need this to be addressed and I have been pressing to underst...Beitrag ansehen
agnsob on Januar 23, 2019
hey! We wanted to implement Quotes as part of our sales process. Overall, the functionality looks great and easy to use, apart from one thing - we can't edit our company address. Our HQ is in Germany and this address is in HubSpot. But we a Beitrag ansehen
52 Antworten
Februar 23, 2021
@dnelson or @anyonefromHubSpot is there any feedback on this. The same issue has been raised many times. It has now been in reveiw for 9 month...Beitrag ansehen
7844045 on Juli 17, 2020
When building a quote, depending on the product/salesman - we will use alternate Company (Supplier) details. I am advised that this is info is dereived from My Company Info (and branding). It cannot be acceptable to allow Salespeople to change th Beitrag ansehen
Februar 23, 2021
We have this problem. Our company is made up of many individual business units each with different supplier codes with our customers. We have to disp...Beitrag ansehen
benesch_e on November 14, 2019
It would be nice to be able to make one time address change to a company physical address during quote creation Currently the only option is to change the company's address and then reverse it manually afterwards.
10 Antworten
März 17, 2021
Unfortunately, I was able to get the following feedback from HubSpot support. We really need this to be addressed and I have been pressing to underst...Beitrag ansehen
benesch_e on November 14, 2019
It would be nice to be able to make one time address change to a company physical address during quote creation Currently the only option is to change the company's address and then reverse it manually afterwards.
10 Antworten
März 17, 2021
Unfortunately, I was able to get the following feedback from HubSpot support. We really need this to be addressed and I have been pressing to underst...Beitrag ansehen
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