
Member since ‎Feb 3, 2021
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Jo Finnegan

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elihermans on May 03, 2019
Hi, Now we can make quote approval workflow, based on the amount of the deal, for example when the deal is under a certain amount, the quotes can get automatically approved. It would be usefull, if a discount is added to a quote, the approv read more
22 Replies
January 19, 2022
Hi Is there any update to this idea. Every other property is avialble to select in a Quote based workflow with the exception of %'s. This more
JFinnegan on December 16, 2021
It would be so valuable to surface the unit discount % that has been applied in quotes to a custom property. This porterty that can be used in a Quote workflows, to trigger tasks for Sales Managers to review based on the % level. This will prov read more
sklein on April 08, 2019
How can I create a report for win rate? Calculation is pretty simple, total won($)/(total won($)+total lost ($)) but primarily I'm not sure how to add the calculated field? Thanks so much
14 Replies
October 11, 2021
This is a key but basic metric used by Revenue/Sales Ops which Im have to measure on a google doc.... not cool
SreeBalaji on May 09, 2018
Tasks are created to followup any customer on right time. However, we need to track when the task was created and when it was completed. So that, we can analyze the performance of tasks with various customers. Task Creation Date: Task Comp read more
27 Replies
March 31, 2021
I really need the abilty to view the time it takes to action a tasks, adding a time stamp would be so beneficial We are able to report on the time more
JFinnegan on March 03, 2021
It would be great if taks in sequences could be triggered by activity on emails that are sent, for example if the email is opened, something is clicked on etc. This fucntionality is avaibale in a Worflow, but I want the emails to come from my sa read more
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apetrini on March 05, 2019
When you use filters to create a contact, company or deal view - or when using filters in creating a custom report - there should be an option for OR instead of just AND like the list functionality on the marketing side. That way you can build repor read more
40 Replies
February 17, 2021
It would make like so much easier if Or was also an option when creating reports. This really should be out of the box fucntionality
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