
Member since ‎Jan 29, 2021
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Dinesh Vel

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cathalhopper on January 27, 2021
It would be great to have the ability to create and associate a custom object with a standard object in the creation screen. Right now custom objects and standard objects can be associated together when defining a custom object - and if both read more
6 Replies
August 06, 2021
This would be very helpful, just found out today this doesn't already exist.
dvel on July 30, 2021
I'd like to create a "Company Admin"-esque field on a Custom Object where one of the relevant associated contacts could be marked as the admin and clicking their name would take you to their profile. I noticed there's something similar when creating read more
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dvel on July 30, 2021
Currently using a Custom Object as a specific kind of container for contacts (similar to Companies). One of the things I need to know about these Custom Objects is if there's only 1 contact associated with it, or multiple. Companies have a property read more
dvel on June 23, 2021
Hi, I'm not sure if this is a bug in a recent update, but there was a functionality I used very frequently that still existed as recently as 2 weeks ago at most. This was the ability to add/delete rows to an existing table in the "Send internal read more
dvel on February 04, 2021
I'm trying to calculate the difference between a custom Today's Date property and a custom Renewal Date property. Using this calculation it should be pretty easy to assess whether a client is considered Active or Expired depending on whether "Today" read more
February 08, 2021
Thanks Mike! I didn't initially see the condition of "Date Property#1 is after Date Property #2", but that's actually exactly what I ended up doing. more
OliviaB on November 30, 2020
I recently discovered this smart way to create and maintain a 'Today's date' property using workflows. This can then be used in reporting, workflows and lists. To do this you can follow these steps: 1) Create a custom date field property read more
82 Replies
February 05, 2021
@helenasolsona Do you have a similar workaround for the Contacts module? It doesn't seem like within Contacts that I can add a condition like " X more
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