
Member since ‎Aug 30, 2017
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Marc-Andre Pilon

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Propagam on August 03, 2022
I'm about to offer HubSpot integration to a lot of clients who are from Canada. Having the payments options available in Canada would be huge for us to grow with HubSpot
16 Replies
September 29, 2023
Hubspot is a fabulous, evolving tool that makes all of us super performers. The addition of Canada to the payment is very important and in line with more
Propagam on August 03, 2022
I'm about to offer HubSpot integration to a lot of clients who are from Canada. Having the payments options available in Canada would be huge for us to grow with HubSpot
16 Replies
September 29, 2023
Hubspot is a fabulous, evolving tool that makes all of us super performers. The addition of Canada to the payment is very important and in line with more
Propagam on August 03, 2022
I'm about to offer HubSpot integration to a lot of clients who are from Canada. Having the payments options available in Canada would be huge for us to grow with HubSpot
16 Replies
September 29, 2023
Hubspot is a fabulous, evolving tool that makes all of us super performers. The addition of Canada to the payment is very important and in line with more
2546270 on April 04, 2022
It would be great to view Quotes and Line Items in the Conversation Inbox Information Panel. Thank you!
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2546270 on March 31, 2022
Dear HubSpot, We love the new client portal, but we can't use it because it is not multilingual, we need the possibility to have an English and French version. As I know you are always working to make your platform optimal, I am sure you will add read more
11 Replies
2546270 on October 29, 2020
It would be great to have the ability to create a work flow that can send an email with product-related personalization tokens in email. Name of a product, description, image... Would sand personal email with product information often, but the inf read more
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