
Member since ‎Jan 28, 2021
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Juliet Winter

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NGroupApS on September 07, 2022
Hi, I'm looking for a way to setup notifications for a contact/deal if there hasn't been any activity for 4 or 5 days. Is this possible?
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3 Replies
July 27, 2023
This is really well explained (as with all your responses), thank you. I was wondering with the first reply, what subscription is required. I was more
RafalKochanski on June 16, 2020
One of the key measures of success of a business is measuring your annual sales. By default, it is tracked in financial years. However, especially with high-growth-rate businesses, it is becoming more important to track the annual sales evolution fo read more
5 Replies
March 06, 2023
Yes, this is exactly what i am after. I would of thought many businesses would be curious of their ongoing monthly rolling averages to see if they more
dc-usa on December 05, 2018
I am using the Gmail integration. I have set the "Log" unchecked by default because I send many non-sales related emails. Sometimes, I forget to press "Log" on an email prior to sending. Is there a way to retroactively log that email in Hubspot read more
30 Replies
February 28, 2023
I couldn't agree more, this seems like such a simple feature. Will HubSpot be addressing this anytime soon?
JWalczak on February 09, 2023
Hi everyone, When adding an image via attachements on a deal record, which appears in the notes as the image description, is there any way of having the image appear on the page. So when you open the deal record, the image appears directly read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
February 13, 2023
Great thanks Karsten, I will give this a go!
JWalczak on February 09, 2023
Hi everyone, When adding an image via attachements on a deal record, which appears in the notes as the image description, is there any way of having the image appear on the page. So when you open the deal record, the image appears directly read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
February 13, 2023
Great thanks Karsten, I will give this a go!
JWalczak on February 09, 2023
Hi everyone, When adding an image via attachements on a deal record, which appears in the notes as the image description, is there any way of having the image appear on the page. So when you open the deal record, the image appears directly read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
February 13, 2023
Great thanks Karsten, I will give this a go!
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